Monday, September 7, 2009

Candy's Final Litter

Well, Candy did it! She had her last litter. She had 3 of the babies on Saturday night and the final baby early Sunday. As of now it would appear Godomir and Candy went out on a high note with 3 girls and 1 boy. That's a ratio Godomir hasn't given me since his very first litter.

Very nice kittens with nice size and all are very active. I'll be sad to have Candy retire for me here, but looking forward to showing her off.


Unknown said...

Congratulations on Candie's litter. Four kittens with "three" girls! Appears she wanted to surprise you with her last litter. :) She looks beautiful caring for her kittens.

Murlyka Siberian Cattery said...

Congratulations!! Three girls - how wonderful. Can't wait to see them grow! How many days was she when she delivered?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Candy and Godomir!!

Sue of Prekrasne Siberians said...

I thought she was overdue but I had her dates wrong and she delivered at 63 days exactly. Ever the prompt girl.