Monday, September 27, 2010

Show Pictures

We attended another TICA show over the weekend. You can see Juuda (above) posing with judge Barbara Ray.

Below is Doc with judge Canie Brooks. He went on to earn a total of 3 official finals plus one that was by a judge in training. In this ring, he went on to earn a 2nd Best Longhair.

Here is Domino. Domino did awesome considering he only arrived in the states 3 weeks ago. He was relaxed and playful in the show ring. He purred for the judges and received praise for his beautiful head type and wonderful temperament. Solid black Siberians are a rarity in the show halls and many of the judges had never seen one.

Here's Doc again showing off that great Siberian body - stocky, hefty, and barrel chested even as a baby.

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