Monday, June 29, 2009

Announcing Candy's Retirement!

After a lot of soul searching I have decided to go ahead and retire my amazing girl Candalise. This girl is my rock in the breeding program - gorgeous babies, consistent type, never a problem, takes care of anyone's babies (including a litter of Maine Coon orphans)...But I have 3 of her offspring here now and she has made such a huge contribution that I cannot rationalize continuing to breed her. She deserves to take it easy now that she's done such a big job. She gave me Baialyn with my male Godomir, then Galahad with David, and finally my young silver girl Gwen with Bossa Nova. That is so much!

So, I am going to have her spayed in July and will keep her for the time being. My intent is to show her through the winter once she has regained her coat and tail (check out the picture on the bottom - that raccoon tail was from before she started going into heat and having babies). After the show season ends I will make the decision as to whether or not I will keep her. She is my girl and I adore her so much, but I also know of all my girls she is the most readily adaptable and would fit in with any family...This is a girl that loves dogs, children, and people (she's a huge flirt). She is a one feline public relations cat and represents the breed so well.

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