Sunday, March 20, 2011

2 New Champions

We attended a local TICA show this weekend and Domino and Party Girl got to show off. This was Party Girl's first big girl show and only her 2nd show ever. She actually took the breed win in 11 out of 16 rings! Of course Dom is wonderful, but showing a solid black cat poses some unique challenges (such as being difficult to see in the judging cage).

I am very happy to report that both Domino and Party Girl earned finals and became Champions!

Here is Domino chilling in the cage waiting his turn. He went on to earn a 5th Best Longhair cat final from judge Canie Brooks.

Here is Party Girl being evaluated by Steve Lawson (a transfer judge) and judge Linda Jean Grillo. She went on to earn a 9th Best Allbreed final in this ring.


Anonymous said...

Domino is so pretty!!! Can't wait to see some black kittens.


Sue of Prekrasne Siberians said...

Any day now! We are expecting his first babies:)