Saturday, December 18, 2010

Prekrasne Party Girl

Our little girl Party Girl aka Mimi, is now 5 months old. She is developing into a lovely young girl. She has her daddy's good boning and her mom's pixie face and incredible honey brown spotted coat.

She's also just a sweetpea and we are enjoying her all too fleeting kittenhood.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

All's Quiet...

Well, its getting quiet around here. Sunday we said goodbye to our girl Honky Tonk. She is now at home in northern California with Geoff, Sharon, and great uncle Naughty.

We also said farewell to our sweet little boy, Caper. I keep wondering where he is as I type at my computer without his "help" or eat my dinner without him deciding that my dinner was his dinner. Caper is now at home with Connie and Scott in Edmonton, Alberta. He had a long flight but is now discovering his new home and chatting with his new family.

I miss them both, but am so happy they are loved and with their new families.